Choose Katak Copier for quality Xerox products, expert service, and long-term satisfaction.


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What we stand for


Katak Copier, where availability meets efficiency. Our well-stocked inventory ensures quick and hassle-free service. From top-notch hardware to essential supplies, we’ve got you covered everything you need.


Where quality is paramount. From top-notch machines to excellent service, we ensure your printing needs are met with precision and reliability.


Your satisfaction is our priority and support is our strength. Our dedicated team is here to assist you with any inquiries or issues related to Xerox machines, printers, and accessories.

About Katak Copier

Need more details? Please check our full documentation for detailed information about us


Explore Our Exquisite Range of Products

Konica Minolta C250i

Photo Copier


Laser Multi-Function Copier with Wireless


Epson 7735C
Inverness McKenzie

Inverness McKenzie

Business Owner

"We have no regrets! After using your product my business skyrocketed! I made back the purchase price in just 48 hours! I couldn't have asked for more than this."

Hanson Deck

Hanson Deck

Independent Artist

"Your company is truly upstanding and is behind its product 100 percent. Hestia is worth much more than I paid. I like Hestia more each day because it makes easier."

Natalya Undergrowth

Natalya Undergrowth


"Thank you for making it painless, pleasant and most of all hassle free! I am so pleased with this product. Dude, your stuff is great! I will refer everyone I know."


Canon IR 2625 | All You need to Know

The Canon IR 2625 is a multifunctional device designed for modern office environments, offering a range of features to streamline document workflows and enhance productivity. As part of Canon’s imageRUNNER ADVANCE series, the IR 2625 Read more…

Get in Touch

With Zero Time

Find us at the office

Jagannath lane
Street G29
Near Bikash Bhawan
Building Jagannath bhawan
Digital door number 001
Cuttack 753012

Give us a ring

Office +91 9438204963 Mon – Sat, 10:00-17:00
Copyright KatakCopier 2024.
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